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Monday, 11 November 2013

Autumn light

Autumn! Or Fall as they call it here. Some nice sunsets and the leaves are changing, and it's getting much colder to be standing around as the sun goes down, that's for sure...

Mr Strader gets his shot

Tuesday, 21 May 2013


Graduation! Just here with my fellow Geography grads at the NIU graduation ceremony. Me, Andy, Kris, Alex and Trevor.

Sunday, 7 April 2013


Spring has sprung! With warming weather the snow and ice has basically all gone now, and we even had a thunderstorm last night.

The warm weather has also brought more people out walking and running, and of course shopping. I am sure that mall carparks are more crowded in the warmer weather. It's nice to be out in the sun though!

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Let it snow

So a week back I posted on Facebook that DeKalb's winter so far had been, well, a bit weak. To be fair, for the last 18 months my colleagues have been warning me about the bitter cold, the mountains of snow, the general bleakness of winter here and it just hasn't been the case.
Today it started snowing, big flakes of it, resulting in a couple of inches on the ground by the time I was heading home. About time!
So here are a couple of views of Davis Hall for you to enjoy.
Davis Hall
The view from the second floor